A partial inventory of (some of) Uber’s offenses against civil society

Jim Youll
2 min readJan 29, 2017

Note: Merely rotating into Lyft and continuing the habit of taking a private, chauffeured car everywhere you go is an improvement, but it’s not really good for the community. Those cars are burning fuel, creating pollution, endangering cyclists and pedestrians (and other drivers), and pulling riders off the most efficient means of getting around: mass transit. And if you can walk and don’t, then it’s also making you fat. PS: If you take a car service to yoga class, reconsider your strategy.

All things considered, though, on 1/29/2017 Lyft handed $1M to the ACLU and condemned Trump’s immigration action, while Uber concentrated on busting a strike by NYC taxi drivers protesting that same immigration action at JFK. So it’s not hard for me to choose between these two alternatives on the rare occasions that a private car service is my best option.

The list:

Footnote: 1/29/2017, 11:20PST Either the back-end servers are overloaded by the volume of account deletions, or they’ve turned them off



Jim Youll

Infra/Ops/Video/Capacity tech guy, photographer. SFian